Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One Day/Night in Dallas

Hi and thanks for reading.

I%26#39;ve been through Dallas before, but never actually visited it, so I%26#39;ll be headed there for a night next week.

I%26#39;m staying in the Park Central area, will have a car, but had planned on taking DART Downtown to see something. Aquarium, museum, neighborhoods, not sure at this point. Any suggestions on that?

Also, I%26#39;m going to see a show in the Lower Greenville area that night (Wednesday). Since it%26#39;s an off-night, I wasn%26#39;t expecting quite the level of craziness, but am I still going to have a hard time finding parking? I%26#39;d probably get there around 9pm since the show is supposed to start at 10. Are there any pay lots? I don%26#39;t mind walking at all.

Anything else I should see? I%26#39;m less into tourist attractions and more into interesting neighborhoods (West Village caught my eye) and off-beat stuff.



One Day/Night in Dallas

I%26#39;m never sure that when I talk about lower Greenville it%26#39;s the same place someone else is talking about.

Greenville has several pockets of attractions. Most of us who live here distinguish the pockets.

Lowest Greenville is the section where Ali Baba%26#39;s, Nandina%26#39;s, New Big Wong, and lots of other small places, and Whole Foods are located.

Lower lower Greenville is the next section up where the Granada, Stan%26#39;s Blue Note, the Blue Goose are located.

Lower Greenville is the area where the San Francisco Rose and the Grape are.

But to a lot of folks lower Greenville is from Mockingbird to Ross, which is a lot of territory and lots of different aspects of parking.

Bottom line is: if you park in the wrong place, they will tow you,; residents have been known to slash tires, and it%26#39;s generally just not a good thing to park in the neighborhoods. If there%26#39;s a valet, use it.

If you%26#39;re going to the Granada they have a big lot right behind theeir building that you can park in yourself (usually $10 parking fee).

It sounds like you%26#39;re thinking of going downtown in the early part of the evening and then out to Greenville for your event? There%26#39;s really only two sections of downtown to hang out in in the early evening. You can go to the eastern side of the city --the Adolphus, Neiman Marcus, Magnolia Hotel part of town that is developing an interesting nightlife with restaurants/bars handy or you can go to the West End section of town and maybe go to the World Aquarium.

It%26#39;s not really clear what time of day you%26#39;re talking about and that would factor heavily into what you are able to do.

One Day/Night in Dallas

Thanks for responding!

Sorry, I%26#39;m going to The Cavern which is close to Belmont according to the map, and probably in ';Lowest Greenville'; (but maybe not). I read some stuff about how irked the neighborhood was and wasn%26#39;t planning on trying parking there.

Not really early evening for Downtown, more like early- to mid-afternoon as I%26#39;d actually like to be down there when it%26#39;s really active. I%26#39;m in far northern Houston the night prior and will leave fairly early (8%26#39;ish). Don%26#39;t plan on many side trips between the two metros.

And I%26#39;m not planning on taking the car down there. So, if something is only open until 5 I should have no issue making it. I was planning on just buying the DART day pass and taking some stops at Cityscape, Downtown, and maybe out to the West End.

Thanks again for responding. I%26#39;m definitely looking forward to this night in Dallas.

There is a valet stand right at the Cavern. I wouldn%26#39;t worry about a Wednesday night.

I think Dart is good for day trips. The dart train arrives in Mockingbird Station, and then the walk to the Cavern would be quite a long one from there. I would drive or Cab it in the evening.

West Village is fun and right off the Cityplace stop. Go have a mango margarita at Taco Diner. Then you can do a little shopping. Very fun.

The Cavern is lowest Greenville. But please don%26#39;t walk from Mockingbird Station...it%26#39;s too far - like 3-5 miles; just crazy.

You might be disappointed in West Village - it%26#39;s a ';planned'; neighborhood and only a few years old - like 4 or 5 years old. Find their website and check it out before you waste your time. I wouldn%26#39;t say it%26#39;s off-beat.

You might like Bishop Arts District - it%26#39;s a real neighborhood with neighborhood people hanging out in it....off-beat for sure. But it%26#39;s a trek to Oak Cliff - intersection of Davis and Bishop.

If you want to see off-beats in their neighborhood - head for the Gold Rush near the corner of Skillman and Live Oak (more near Oram). It%26#39;s a greasy spoon - mostly single men who eat breakfast and lunch there - no dinner served. I go about once/week.

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